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KRM L20/L20W Trend
KRM L20/L20W Trend
KRM L20/L20W Trend
KRM L20/L20W Trend
KRM L20/L20W Trend
KRM L20/L20W Trend
KRM L20/L20W Trend

Developed from many years of practical experience in cooperation with farmers all over the world, the KRM L20 and L20W (weigh cell fitted)Trend spreader is ideally suited to the arable and grassland farmer. It features extensive use of stainless steel as well as many other innovate features and is available in capacities of 1150, 1600, and 2050 litre. The L20 has the ability to spread between 6m and 24m.


All KRM spreaders are positively bristling with innovative features to ensure the machine is simple to use, easy to set, gives an accurate application rate and spread pattern and stands the test of time.

Adaptable Agitator

All KRM fertiliser spreaders feature the same uniq agitator design. The agitator is mounted eccentrically above the disc and relies entirely on the resistance of the fertiliser to make it ossolate. Therefore if a light material such as urea is in the hopper the resistance will be low and the agitation will be gentle and avoid powdering the material. Equally if a heavy material such as potash is in the hopper the agitator is forced to ossolate hard and ensures good agitation and even flow on to the disc.

Flow control, Blockage prevention

To ensure the same flow of material through the outlet is maintained regardless of the weight of material in the hopper a cone is mounted below the screens. The cone also prevents fertiliser packing around the agitator during transport. Hopper screens are standard on all KRM spreaders and prevent lumps of material or foreign objects blocking the shutters.

Small Seeds Kit

Standard equipment on all M2 and M3 machine (Option on L1 and L2). The small seeds kit works by restricting the apertures size and allows the machine to be used for spreading slug pellets and oil seed rape etc.

Double Outlet

Rather than a single outlet all KRM machines utilize a patented double shutter design. This ensures that as the opening increases in size the drop on point at which the fertiliser hits the disc remains the same. Therefore when changing application rate it is not necessary to alter any machine settings. This simplifies machine setting on all models and is an essential feature on any machine fitted with electronic controls and using variable application rates and forward speeds.

Simple Calibration

The S Indicator is supplied as standard on all L line machines. The kit includes a calibration funnel fitted with a special shutter to run fertiliser through, a stopwatch to time the 30 second test period and a set of digital scales to weigh the amount collected. This simple test is carried out away from the machine allowing it to be done at a convenient time.

New Fertiliser Test Kit

This kit takes the guess work out of spreader setting, allowing a farmer to check the specification of each material being applied. The kit contains an easy to use hardness tester and a sieve set, this information can be entered directly on to the KRM or Bogballe website and a spread chart is recommended.

Standard on all electronic spreaders

Fully Sealed Clutch

Our unique fully sealed and maintenance free slip clutch protects the machines transmission. All KRM spreaders come with a 2 year gearbox warranty.

Spread Pattern

All KRM spreaders use a "Double Double Overlap" spread pattern in simple terms this means the application rate gradually built up using 4 layers. This provides much greater tolerance to all external factors. Learn more about "Double Double Overlap"

Machine Testing

Bogballe have their own fully automatic test hall located at their factory. This is used to ensure the accuracy of the comprehensive spread charts supplied with each machine and for development work. The spread chart app is continuously updated as new materials are tested and current fertilisers are re-tested.

€Call for Price

Alex Hutcheson: + 353 (0)87 255 4155
James Hutcheson: +353 (0)86 882 7776